
Showing posts from April, 2017
1(b) Propose a teaching strategy (300 words)  Week 3 Step 3.10 Activity 1(b) Propose a teaching strategy for a subject you teach (or will teach) or for one which you support with design/development, considering your experience of FULT peer observation, ideas introduced in this course and in the FULT program in general. (Approximately 300 words) Teaching students about database searching could enable a strategy that incorporates online and blended learning. Students should understand how a database differs from searching Google, should be able to locate appropriate databases and understand how to effectively search them. These skills will help them to operate effectively as learners at university, enabling them to efficiently find appropriate information, and have the skills to evaluate the resources and information that they find and use. The Library designed the ELISE tutorial as both a mandatory introduction for commencing students, but also ...